Babel Anniversary FSOM With a twist :)

Sign me up for Green!

btw: If you say it’s 8pm gmt you should correct that timeanddate link.


Everyone is complaining about the time and im sitting here like…


I have a map suggestion. It will be…

STADIUM! :slight_smile: Fav map ever.

but… there is nothing to jump to in stadium

In any case, it looks like we will have quite the small turnout. Danko’s fireworks probably should have come before FSOM announcement

Blame izzy pl0x

I’m in hopefully. I can be a filler and go on whichever team you need me to.

Changed time to 6pm gmt, if there are any major conflicts give me a heads up
also welp polls don’t work so ellipsis it is

Thats pushing my time, but I’ll still be there

green please

Team are imbaled WE NEED MOAR MEMBERS!

pls ok thx

I’m back! And I’m signing up for Blue Star team

Sign me up for blue team.

I’m out. sorry.

I want to switch teams and be on green! Too many going on blue.

And can we please do Crossfire3? I change my map suggestion to that.

Don’t worry if the won map goes fast the next one will be set so that it is crossfire
