My idea is that for some maps or servers players are automatically placed in squads.
“Well ho hum, sports we already have that!”
Yes we have that in zombie mode. But why stop at 4 man squads? Why not create a 16 + capacity squad that would include the entire team( only 16+ because some game modes can have more than 16 players on a team). This would mean each team is a giant unit, and gets rid of players who go off or stay at spawn and build crap.
And if people don’t like being automatically placed, then add a repeating chat message that says:
“If you don’t like being in a giant unit, type: /squad none”
So what do you think?
Also an unrelated suggestion for all servers: if inactive for 5minutes; autokick
EDIT: My apologies if this is in the wrong section.
The amount of abuse and problems this would create would be horrendous.
To give you a taste, a coordinated 5-man squad is capable of spawncamping even a full enemy team for well over 5 minutes. This is simply too overpowered to work with.
On Minit Classic Assault, on green, with a good four-man squad that knows enough to lay low when squadmates die, we can easily stay in the blue spawn the entire game. WTFBoom and I did this yesterday with a two-man squad. We respawned at green base about five times in two hours.