AoS Hacker problem

giving a trusted player an extra step is what I’m afraid of. I have a feeling that will just make the admins lose their hairs cause they have to worry about another rank. Too much to focus on.

I’m not even sure when was the last time I saw a votekick work @ aloha. A couple of years ago things used to be different. I’m not sure if it’s 'cause aloha staff raised the vote threshold for a votekick or 'cause players were generally more mature and could read english when you politely asked them to support your votekick. Anyways, the votekick system in its current state is indeed extremly faulty and just needs to be better adjusted to conditions that we face: 1) High amount of hackers, 2) Significantly lower presence of admins and guards in game and in IRC than it used to be (due to the fall of interest in the game?), 3) There is never enough votes to kick a player, because people either don’t know how to type “/y” or can’t read english, or they simply don’t care.

I mostly play on babel server and I’ve noticed that an average amount of votes you can get if you /vk an obvious hacker is around 8 when the server is full (32/32), that means that only 1/4 of the server is voting.
It would seem reasonable to me to lower the vote threshold to 30% tbh. The most funny thing is, that the current high threshold actually removes any need to give out trusted statuses, because there’s almost zero fear to be succesfully votekicked nowadays. Even I, being a trusted player, rarely login when someone’s votekicking me, cause I know that there will never be enough votes. Think about it, please.

Honestly the hacker problem isn’t something we can fix. We need to get to the code of 0.75, yes, we could use a universal extractor but still it wouldn’t extract enough of it for us to make another version that would at least have something that would make it harder for people who want to make hacks. My question relies on powerthirst, though. I know that you can put in a longer name in powerthirst and it can go to 64 players on a server, but, is it harder for hackers to create hacks? Does powerthirst affect the gun stats like making the smg less powerful?

There are some good ideas about how to deal with this problem, I personally think it’s a good idea to lower the percentage of players for votekick. I don’t think that the change of ranking system would be of much help. The servers just need more active guards, so they could notice and kick the hackers.

30% is a bit low in my opinion, it is like that on Call of liberty server and when the server isn’t full, it’s very easy to get votekicked there, since you need just 4 players to vote if there are 12 players on server. I’d say about 40-50 % of players to votekick would work for most aloha servers.
Btw. Google is showing me ads for hacking in this thread, it is kind of ironic. :smiley:

google ads are based on search history…

about powerthirst, since GM changed a whole lot of things, (well, from what I can guess. I haven’t actually looked at the source yet…) a lot of memory addresses are going to be shifted around as a result of it. people would still make hacks but none of the 0.75 hacks would work on it.
there is no doubt that I have something wrong here. take it with a grain of salt, would you?
