AlohaCraft Alert: Malware found in many popular mods

This is a public service announcement for all @player-mc :warning:

One of our users @DarkNeutrino has brought a very serious alert to our attention. If you use any Minecraft mods, DO NOT UPDATE them or INSTALL any new mods until further notice.

It has been reported by various news sources that multiple CurseForge and Bukkit projects have been reported being compromised by a new malware called “Fractureiser.”

Find out more about this currently ongoing issue:

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:newspaper: News Team
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AFAIK the alohaCraft server was not affected by any malware (i’ve scanned the server and all files are clean)

This appeared to only really affect certain mods and you can follow this guide to keep safe (fractureiser/ at main · fractureiser-investigation/fractureiser · GitHub)

Here is a statement from Curseforge: