babel - new rotation, new /heavens!

Our @map-connoisseurs have put together a new babel rotation, which is now active on our server!

The maps (pictured above) are: 'minihills' 'abridgetoofar' 'steelmaze' 'bigasssideforts' 'skullcourse_babel' 'VietGong' 'pinpoint2' 'oasis2' 'pinpointj' 'offshore' 'trademorph' 'tradeoff' 'halongbabel' 'DividedThrone-night' 'planecrashdisaster' 'TowerDive' 'drillup' 'toast' 'crossfire2' 'jsweet' 'pinnacle2' 'realisticbridge' 'ellipsis' 'classicgen_babel' 'ga_gardens_japan' 'RoyalParade2'

Marshmello has also created some incredible new /heaven artwork for builders to choose from!


aloha2 /heaven aloha2

aosbois /heaven aosbois

adminhax /heaven adminhax

adminplsfly /heaven adminplsfly

allyes /heaven allyes

apocpls /heaven apocpls

cappls /heaven cappls

carpet /heaven carpet

clouds /heaven clouds

coffs /heaven coffs

kickhax /heaven kickhax

ezgg /heaven ezgg

golds /heaven golds

ilicktrans /heaven ilicktrans

kat /heaven kat

nota /heaven nota

konata /heaven konata

mello /heaven mello

microwave /heaven microwave

naja /heaven naja

ripblue /heaven ripblue

noyou /heaven noyou

peace /heaven peace

redvsblue /heaven redvsblue

richard /heaven richard

spaghetti /heaven spaghetti

stairsdown /heaven stairsdown

ripred /heaven ripred

soccer /heaven soccer

sopa /heaven sopa

whirlpool /heaven whirlpool

trade /heaven trade

viv /heaven viv

vklag /heaven vklag

wehatesnow /heaven wehatesnow

yellowboi /heaven yellowboi

Make sure to thank Marshmello if you see him, these are incredible!!!

Collaborated by,
:newspaper: News Team
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