April event - 4teams - April 11 2015

Please stay on topic…

kk. added

I should be able to make it.

How come some names have a space after the number like 11. Kushel

What are you talking about ?

It was a formatting issue that I fixed. I tend to leave spaces when in a rush

Ow sorry I can’t make it in time. Please take me off


I will join later if possible and if I even can.

Enjoy the FSOM :slight_smile:

Awwww that sucks :frowning:

Looks like I might make it :slight_smile:

[shadow=black,left]Event starts in 1 hour!!![/shadow]

Green victory!

gg guys

Great game !! Had fun :slight_smile:

Close game gg

Great event! Thanks for organizing it shywolf!

No problem. This might be my last event for a while so other admins please feel free to organize them in the future

Good game and some nice trolls. Just all those Ace’s were kinda annoying.

Some trolling greetings

Had fun sneaking around enemy bases due to same deuce color.

Good game everyone!

Color pwned, 8x sprayed, ninja camped, and it was super fun!

-Eddy & OpTiC AceTheHaxr

Too bad that I missed it.  :frowning:

Blue team is fun :smiley:
