[x] FerrariFlunker's Ban Appeal

Apology accepted. Thank you.

I hope, through that realization, that you’ve become a better person in real life and in all other communities you are a part of.

Ok… I read all of it… Walking away slowly.

I thank everyone for putting their opinion in this, but I think we should stop now… Other people want to use this appeal page, and mine keeps being bumped to the top. If an official sees this comment, I am asking you to lock this appeal.

     If you do want to tell me your opinion, discuss what I did, why I did it, and what's the future, please [u]PM[/u] me with any questions.

Thanks for your cooperation,

Oh Ferrari
Words can be contorted into any shape. Promises and apologies can be made to decept the mind. In conclusion, words mean absolutely nothing.
I do not believe in your fine words alone without evidence you have alternated your cheap, crummy, dreadful behaviour.
What you do is what matters, not what you think or say or plan.

He just did something. He just told you he’s sorry. ‘not what you think or say…’ he was giving his own apology. And it did mean something because it was a essay. You were sharing your opinion, and now i’m sharing mine. I know you’re a guard. But still.

There’s a difference between apologizing and truly being sorry. All I am stating is that he should prove that he has changed his ways.

Four days ago this is what he said, he knew he was evading the ban and doing it intentionally.

The next day he writes his essay about why it is bad to cheat and evade blah blah blah…
Has he changed? Maybe, but from what he has portrayed, no

Lol. I do agree on that. But he did just realize it… Just go back to the essay and read it again? I actually understand what you’re saying.

Timi is going to hate me for this…

ITS NOT “RIGHTS” IT IS “WRITES”…unless he made an essay about hacking and then fixed it to make hacking seem bad

“Lol” What’s funny?
You can’t change in a day and that’s a fact. I know you feel obligated to defend him and all since he is your ‘friend’ but he just isn’t ready to play on our servers.

I am almost certain he has been evading under a different name

if you actually would read what I said, I dont want him unbanned. I know he has been evading, he is my friend. But I understand the rules of aloha.pk. No hacking/abusing/griefing and more. He evaded more than 20 times. Not okay. So I dont want him unbanned, and whatever I made you think I wanted him unbanned, you’re wrong.

End of discussion.


Try appealing again instead of bumping next time please.

There seems to be problems with people not knowing how to read the rules of the forums.

Going to lock this thread temporarily, FerrariFlunker this ban appeal failed. You can re-appeal, you’ve done it once you can do it again. Want a link, here ya go: http://aloha.pk/index.php?topic=762.0