[WIP] Redesign of AoS Status Page

I think the image of the map is less important and should be kept at the bottom of the page.

I like Torch’s serverlist style though even if we can’t have the status on the serverlist. For the colors, they could just be neutralized or something, but I think the color scheme fits.

Was about to make that exact list! Also worth noting that it’s entirely possible and not difficult to have different urls for different versions if we want to keep admin stuff separate.

Also whatever we do, we should probably get rid of the player icons on the map

Example of second to minute:

I would remove the player names but keep intel and tent icons

Definitely get rid of player icons. I don’t know who thought that was a good idea to begin with. It’s basically built in ESP.

updated layout

I’m not sure if this had been mentioned already but I think it’d be a pretty good idea to put in the description of the server’s game mode in it so if some people check status pages before joining and doesn’t know how to play the game mode, they could get the gist of it before joining.

Don’t think it was. But thats a good idea.

Would probably have to be inputed manually unless it could be added to the gamemode script or config and pulled into the status page.