Poll usefullness

cs_assault is cool!

so the poll represent or not all community?

There are many players [like how I used to be] who play on aloha.pk servers but are not signed up on the forums and involved, so they don’t really know if a poll is happening. They might either favor or go against what most of the community on the forums want, but they have no way of having their input since they don’t know about it in the first place. Therefore, Stradivarius, the poll does not represent all of the community [referring to players on servers who haven’t signed up as part of the community].

Also, many of them don’t want to create a account on the forum, either because they don’t understand english or simply they don’t want.

FerrariFlunker was right; there are players that like cs_assault. We need to understand, staff can’t delete all maps of the server. The people voted for cs_assault_1337, and it was removed. We need to understand, arenacs isn’t of 20 people, it’s of many many more people and many of them haven’t an aloha account. And although you asked them, I’m sure that you didn’t ask to all the people who play there.

Well even cs_assault_1337 didn’t need to be removed. They could’ve just lowered it to 3 wins needed and lowering Cs_assault to 7 wins needed would be a step in the right direction while still be a really long map.