This map
removed from babel’s rotation:
crossfire2, newfort, oldvilla, pinpoint2
added to babel’s rotation:
Drift Ice by IAmYourFriend
Frog by Lostmotel
Land of Cahirs by Lostmotel
Trenches by Ki11aWi11
Turtle Soup by Lostmotel
Utopia 2 by Lostmotel
babel’s current map list:
“1river2forts”, “alexandria”, “battlefarm”, “blam”, “driftice”, “ellipsis”, “frog1.1”, “holes”, “icecraft”, “islandbabel”, “landofcahirs”, “mazemountain”, “minihills”, “oldfort”, “stadium”, “swag1”, “swag2”, “tortuga”, “trenches”, “turtlesoup”, “utopia2”
pp2 removed? I liked that map.
newfort removed? I liked that map.
Put newfort back, take oldfort out please. NewFort is my favorite, it’s what we played the Babel event on last year.
Also, pinpoint2 was good for a quick game. There isn’t another map in rotation with a similar feel or play style.
re-added newfort, removed oldfort.
i think of driftice as a beautified replacement for pinpoint2. it plays similarly enough in my opinion. try a few rounds of babel on driftice… if you still miss pinpoint2 we can add it back. i’m just trying to avoid too many tiny babel maps.
Interesting maps changes, it may make the gameplay more dinamic, as most of people hasnt played on then, but let’s see the players reactions to them.
Thanks, izzy.
You’re right, Drift Ice plays very much like Pinpoint 2. I think it’s just fine.
Wait what? I really liked oldfort and crossfire2 (but I have to agree that for crossfire2 the rounds do get lengthy).
Already miss Crossfire 2, pinpoint2
I would bring back crossfire 2 if it was tweaked a little bit.
please tweak it then. just don’t twerk it, please.
have you tried Drift Ice yet, Nope?
I am looking into modifying crossfire2 any suggestions if I did?
And I haven’t tired drift ice yet, but I really want to see how a match plays out on it though. I think the only thing I would have a problem with it would be the color, but I haven’t tried it yet.
Yeah, a couple of hours ago, i liked it. Different map but same strategies, perfect for quick games.
It is a good replacement for pp2.
i don’t really have any gripes about the map the way it is, so i don’t have any suggestions. you’re the one who said you would bring it back if it was tweaked.
I’d rather say it’s a matter of people you’re in the team with or against at the given time, rather than the map’s fault lol. It could happen on pretty much any map IMO (given the right circumstances).