List of Ace of Spades admins

There are 3 types of admins [guards,mod,admin] Buckethead is a mod

As far as buckrthead knows, he still has the ability to stop a votekick, mute, and other things! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ahh, That makes more sense. So roughly how long does it take for the application to be approved/ declined?

there’s no real set time as of now since the reviewing process has been drastically slowed.

Read: whenever we stop being lazy.

Yeah, thats not the real updated list. the real list is hidden, underneath the stairs on last team standing and moves to the platform on babel. Sometimes you can find it digging in the mountains of irpg. Just remember theres more on the list thats not listed 8)

LoL Reki

Hey what is a pm and how do you recieve one? I know it sounds stupid lol

A PM is a “Private Message”.
There are multiple meanings, so I might as well cover them both here.

In context of this forum:
If you have javascript enabled when you receive one, you get a popup telling you that you have a new message.
You can also check your messages: look at the top left corner. Next to “Hello [Name]” is “XX messages”. Click on that to view your messages.

In context of the AoS game:
A private message is…well a private message. Only the sender and receiver can see it.
The private message shows up in red; by my experience it’s often missed on pinpoint since the entire ocean is also red.
To send a private message: “/pm [Receiver] [Message]”.
[Receiver] must either be the ID, or a fragment of the name that is only 1 word (no spaces). I recommend using ID, so you don’t send it to the wrong person.
[Message] can be however long you want it to be, up to the length permitted by the AoS game client itself.

did you read this?

login code thingy

Can I come to admin in servers? or tower of babel admin ? I Really wanna come admin and im 15 years old :slight_smile: If i can come to admin,i am good to do it job.

Well, I’ve been waiting for 3 months and asking is not going to help (trust me). There currently a little lazy on the apps according to Reki, and also I’ve never seen two-thirds of the admins online.

We started getting less lazy, but IMO we’re still pretty lazy…

On a scale from 1 to lazy, we’re too languorous to calculate what we are.

What I’m confused about is are all admins lazy in expressing there opinion about applicants or is Izzy purposely doing this to refine future admins? All I know is that me, Reki, and Jyromefedx registered at the same day with a few hours difference and you guys became admins in a month and I’m waiting. So this proves I have affected the order and procedures used to operate. :wink:

we’re not necessarily lazy as we usually get a lot of input on applications. the final say from izzy usually comes a bit later to completely make sure the person we’re accepting is the right choice. don’t feel discouraged that other people have had their applications accepted earlier than yours. patience is a virtue and if you stick through it eventually you may be accepted.

Oh, don’t worry about patience. Ive been waiting over three months now. I just wanted to know if you are really lazy like Reki said or are you tightening the standards for being an admin?

  1. You’ve been waiting over three months, but you constantly bug the forums about it.
  2. Not really lazy per se, but we’re swamped with applications. Furthermore, in-game performance (not ability, but righteousness) is also taken into account; it takes some time to find people and observe their gameplay.