[Event] May FSOM - Pinpoint


Everyone added!


Since it’s 4/20 in the West, It’d be guaranteed for me to be in the Green Team, it’s also my favorite color, but put me on “Maybe” like every other month. Since I’d be whipping out with my shitty netbook that isa jet engine while playing OpenSpades (AoS sucks ass for preformance for some reason…).

PS: I might be on late at night, so you will be hearing me talking, like very quietly.

IGN is Ben_, btw

Please add me as a maybe, thx.

yes if I can remember

sick times also maybe

Go 2PM gmt!!! You can do it!


Everyone added!

Maybe :open_mouth:

Not to be kicking out Flerikko, but if it is 2:00pm, I can’t join. If its 8:00 or 10:00 then I can

Guess I’ll fill up that last spot

put me on blue pls

Everyone added!

Even though we are technically at full server capacity, still feel free to sign up! There are a lot of “maybes”, and I’m sure that other things will come up or times won’t work for some.

Here’s a fun fact! The last time we had over 32 people sign up for an event was alllll the way back in 2013. Good job everyone, and keep the players coming! :slight_smile:


You can remove me if you haven’t already.
I don’t think it would be fair if someone like me joined, so please remove me. Thanks.
I actually wanna join badly but I might come next next next or something FSOM

Dammit, I won’t be able to make it to the FSOM, I have some event with my uni and ill be gone the whole week from May 6th.
Remove me from the list please.

[b][glow=black,2,300]Here's a fun fact! The last time we had over 32 people sign up for an event was alllll the way back in [url=http://aloha.pk/index.php?topic=3935.0]2013[/url]. Good job everyone, and keep the players coming! :)[/b]
Was it the Infiltration FSOM sometime in fall (October/November) 2013?

I can’t make it unless it’s at 10pm UTC. Work and my sisters birthday party.

Prolly can make it, put me up on Maybe!

too bad Saturday wasn’t the 4th (may the 4th be with you laggers)