[Event] August FSOM - Staff Vs Forum Arena

His ign is DerpTastic

Add me to maybe please

Missed awesome thing again. :-\

It is on august, were.on july, 2 days

is a map vote possible? since there’s basically a 0% chance that every map could get played, could we vote for certain maps instead?

Am I staff? If so then put me down for staff.

Trusted is considered a part of the forum

Yes! Hijacked and avbigstorage would be awesome for this event!

I’ll let Ferrari decide but imo there is no need for a poll and the map changes can be set in game with popular vote (or they can be random so theres a challenge.)

Then put me down for forum please :D.

add me! :smiley:

Hell yea im in (depends on the time i don’t think i can make it for 9PM so 10PM for me would be the best)

Add me please !

Can you switch my name from staff to forum? Thanks, appreciate it.

My gamemode and you had to have it on the day i leave for vacation -.-

I’ll be there. As the lowly guard position. :-[

Add me to maybe pls. :slight_smile:

Everyone’s been added!

Comment below with your favorite map, and we can hopefully play it during the FSOM!

I vote for random map goodness xD

Avbigstorage~Perfect arena map for events and a larger number of players.

Hijacked~Just a really cool map both in Ace of Spades and Call of Duty.

Generator & Generator 2 would both be super fun

Nuketown~Who doesn’t love this map?