Aloha vs. Forums Round 2!

Count me in!

ehh i might show up for this if i have some time :smiley:

as if you had a choice

Why do these events make it not Australian friendly.

I will acutely try to attend, but no promises.

Vote Normandie if you want any chance of overthrowing island!

Add me in the maybe list for forums side!

I will be available if the time is right

I will try to attend but I might just not be able to

Why does the poll only have to old classic maps available? I’d love to play a match on Influx’s more recent maps like Summerfields or Bocage.
Anyways, I will try to be there.

ei como se participa eu quero

Russian to english
I want to get invloved/ join

Tem que deixar uma confirmação aqui dizendo que vai comparecer, ou se não tiver a certeza diga que talvez possa.

Consulte este site para ver o tempo que falta para o evento, e quando estiver quase, entre nesta sala de chat para mais informações (nomeadamente o indereço do servidor).

At the moment, we have 16 playing for the forums, meaning that everybody else will have to sign up for maybe. If somebody drops out or cannot make it, somebody from the maybe list can substitute in, in the order that is listed.

BTW: I wanted it to be push too since I think it deserves some promotion. I’ll try to keep that in mind for suggesting it for the next event.

Are we using Mumble again?

Aem if someone badly wishes to play i am willing to trade places.

We can do that. Here is the info: Mumble IP: Port: 64738

It doesn’t matter, there will be at least one person who can’t show up.

It looks like I can make it so you can add me too.

Island… Seems like it will be the wallpop match.

sign me up pls so I can rekt. Ty