a client thing

Still waiting…

Will you be able to fix mechanics that are broken in OpenSpades? Like firing mechanic for the rifle. The rifle in OpenSpades is limited in its firing speed, while classic engine one can fire faster than openspades. This always pissed me off.

Logic of gamingftw:Muffin makes an aos clone with opengl and thinks its openspades,now asking muffin to fix shit in openspades.


I was asking if he could could not re-use a broken mechanic present inside OpenSpades. I understand that he cannot fix content in OpenSpades, I was asking if he could not use it.

correct me if you’re certain I’m wrong, but the firing speeds are the same between the two clients. the problems reside mainly in recoil, and possibly spread.

I WANT TO HELP!! :slight_smile: .

PD: uhm waiting for a release :D.

Being an American child gaming on a handheld calculator I take offence to that.

atomic white privelege

Any news yet?

I fear that we are suffering from an acute case of LOMS (Loss Of Muffin Syndrome).
The best way to deal with this may be to send an intervention team to his home address, and force him to complete the project at gunpoint. Alternatively, free coffee and donuts / muffins may also do the trick.

The least he could do is make it a group project like Openspades, so it would actually get somewhere.

Where is is house anyway?

Somewhere to the right of the skullfort. I believe it is built using mostly pink blocks.

Hello, please finish, thanks.

download link doesn’t work :confused:



iirc bytebit is working on an openGL client thing

heck ya he is


Having looked into the BetterSpades webpage, I must admit to being curious.
Regrettably, there are no Win binaries, and I lack the skills required to start compiling myself.
Does anyone have working win binaries that can be tried out?