Year 2024 Donations:
GOAL: (to be calculated) Due Date: December 31, 2024
Jun-16 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
Jun-11 @microwave USD50.00
May-24 @communist USD50.00
May-3 @Hawkan USD50.00
Apr-14 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
Mar-16 @Dany0 USD10.00
Feb-16 @communist USD50.00
Jan-14 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
Jan-3 @Hawkan USD50.00
Jan-1 carryover “excess” funds from previous year (to be calculated)
Year 2023 Donations:
GOAL: (to be calculated) Due Date: December 31, 2023
Nov-12 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
Sep-18 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
Aug-15 @Kuunikal USD100.00
Aug-11 @Kuunikal USD100.00
Jul-12 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
Jun-2 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
May-7 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
Mar-8 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
Mar-2 @LightGuy757 USD20.00
Jan-21 @Newage USD50.00
Jan-7 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
Jan-1 @shywolf91 USD20.00
Jan-1 carryover “excess” funds from previous year (to be calculated)
Year 2022 Donations:
GOAL: (to be calculated) Due Date: December 31, 2022
Dec-23 @communist USD50.00
Nov-17 @communist USD50.00
Oct-22 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
Oct-14 @Hawkan USD10.00
Aug-18 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
Jun-29 @noahgambles USD5.00
Jun-6 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
May-4 @shywolf91 USD10.00
Mar-25 @FerrariFlunker USD100.00
Mar-18 @Hekima USD1.00
Feb-18 @Hekima USD1.00
Feb-4 @communist USD50.00
Jan-18 @Hekima USD1.00
Jan-11 @Nathan USD150.00
Jan-1 2021excess (to be calculated)
Year 2021 Donations:
GOAL: $705 (to be recalculated) | TOTAL RECEIPTS: ~$881
Dec-25 Hawkan USD30.00
Dec-10 Fury EUR10.00
Aug-31 Anonymous USD100.00
Aug-23 Nathan USD100.00
Jun-28 Danke USD400.00
May-4 SchwanzusLonGus EUR10.00
Mar-14 PXYC USD50.00
Feb-26 DarkNeutrino EUR1.00
Feb-21 marnerfan CAD10.00
Feb-19 Roid Rage USD2.00
Feb-16 Detank2002 GBP10.00
Feb-15 Nathan USD120.00
Jan-1 2020excess USD33.00
Year 2020 Donations:
Dec-6 Anonymous EUR170.00
Sep-19 Nathan USD80.00
Aug-8 Nathan USD20.00
Jul-6 Mile CAD50.00
Jul-2 Anonymous USD100.00
Jun-15 Lostmotel EUR25.00
May-30 crazymonky EUR25.00
May-1 A White Guy USD10.00
Apr-13 Nathan USD100.00
Mar-11 Nathan USD100.00
Mar-9 Fury EUR5.00
Feb-14 shywolf91 USD10.00
Jan-26 Raykay101 CAD20.00
Year 2019 Donations:
Dec-2 Nathan USD100.00
Nov-21 shywolf91 USD20.00
Aug-14 communist GBP10.00
Aug-8 communist GBP10.00
Jun-5 communist GBP11.30
May-10 Nathan USD100.00
Apr-9 communist GBP10.00
Mar-29 Gingerbear USD25.00
Mar-25 secki AUD3.00
Feb-26 Kuunikal CAD10.00
Feb-26 communist USD10.00
Feb-22 Gingerbear USD25.00
Feb-6 Gingerbear USD25.00
Feb-4 Kikk{SARs} USD25.00
Feb-1 TwIsTeDBuLL3T USD25.00
Jan-25 communist GBP25.00
Jan-23 Gingerbear USD20.00
Jan-11 Gingerbear USD20.00
Jan-11 Nathan USD100.00
Jan-11 Lostmotel EUR25.00
Jan-10 Kiwi EUR10.00
Jan-8 shywolf91 USD10.00
Jan-1 2018excess USD118.00
Year 2018 Donations:
Dec-28 Gingerbear USD25.00
Nov-12 Kuunikal CAD30.00
Oct-16 TrueGunner USD1.00
Sep-25 BR USD100.00
Sep-23 Pink Floyd USD25.00
Aug-7 Nathan USD100.00
Jun-18 Nathan USD20.00
May-13 Nathan USD20.00
Apr-10 Nathan USD20.00
Mar-9 Nathan USD20.00
Feb-10 Nathan USD20.00
Jan-11 Colorpinpoint CAD30.00
Jan-11 topo USD100.00
Jan-8 VerstehIchNicht EUR50.00
Jan-4 Spring USD25.00
Jan-2 Nathan USD100.00
Jan-1 shywolf91 USD5.00
Year 2017 Donations:
Dec-25 shywolf91 USD5.00
Nov-2 Froelich131 USD51.60
Oct-10 Nathan USD20.00
Oct-10 Kuunikal CAD5.00
Sep-8 Nathan USD20.00
Aug-12 Nathan USD20.00
Aug-6 Raykay101 CAD5.00
Jul-22 CookieWolf USD0.05
Jul-7 Nathan USD20.00
Jun-30 Kuunikal CAD5.00
Jun-26 Nathan USD20.00
Jun-19 Newage USD10.00
May-25 NotAgain USD25.00
May-9 Nathan USD20.00
Apr-11 Nathan USD20.00
Mar-10 Nathan USD30.00
Mar-6 Mile CAD10.00
Mar-6 Nathan USD20.00
Feb-14 multigamerclub USD4.10
Feb-10 Nathan USD20.00
Jan-21 onigiri USD200.00
Jan-2 Nathan USD100.00
Year 2016 Donations:
Dec-5 Nathan USD20.00
Nov-3 Nathan USD20.00
Oct-16 onigiri USD25.00
Oct-15 Aseriousma[unknown] EUR5.00
Oct-6 Nathan USD20.00
Sep-24 LordNerevar USD10.00
Sep-13 Jyromefedx CAD20.00
Sep-8 Nathan USD20.00
Sep-5 onigiri USD25.00
Aug-10 Nathan USD20.00
Aug-9 Colorpinpoint CAD15.00
Jul-19 Monstarules USD3.00
Jul-12 Reid USD25.00
Jul-12 Nathan USD20.00
Jun-26 Kuunikal CAD4.42
Jun-7 Nathan USD20.00
May-29 Froelich131 USD10.00
May-18 onigiri USD50.00
May-9 Froelich131 USD10.00
May-6 shywolf91 USD5.00
May-3 Nathan USD20.00
Apr-7 Nathan USD20.00
Mar-19 israelleelll USD50.00
Mar-12 Froelich131 USD10.00
Mar-9 Nathan USD20.00
Feb-17 NotAgain USD25.00
Feb-15 Light AUD0.60
Feb-5 Raykay101 CAD0.56
Jan-31 Anonymous USD100.00
Jan-13 Nathan USD100.00
Jan-4 Reaper2.0 USD0.31
Year 2015 Donations:
Dec-27 Jyromefedx CAD10.00
Dec-22 Nathan USD20.00
Dec-21 onigiri USD50.00
Dec-9 shoosh USD6.99
Nov-18 Reaper2.0 USD0.22
Nov-17 Nathan USD20.00
Nov-12 shoosh USD10.00
Oct-31 onigiri JPY2000.00
Oct-7 Nathan USD20.00
Sep-16 shoosh USD6.99
Sep-10 Nathan USD20.00
Aug-18 Colorpinpoint CAD10.00
Aug-12 Nathan USD20.00
Aug-12 shoosh USD6.99
Aug-9 onigiri JPY5000.00
Jul-28 Froelich131 USD140.04
Jul-24 SirKael USD5.00
Jul-24 Hawkan USD10.00
Jun-30 Lutein JPY1000.00
Jun-29 Reki USD20.00
Jun-25 Nathan USD50.00
Jun-13 MILFMILFMI[unknown] USD0.99
Jun-8 Nathan USD20.00
Jun-2 onigiri JPY5000.00
May-5 Nathan USD20.00
May-5 onigiri JPY3000.00
Apr-15 shywolf91 USD5.00
Apr-14 onigiri JPY3000.00
Apr-13 Nathan USD20.00
Mar-26 onigiri JPY3000.00
Mar-13 Nathan USD20.00
Feb-27 onigiri JPY3000.00
Feb-27 onigiri JPY10.00
Feb-14 Torch USD4.00
Feb-13 Anonymous USD31.69
Feb-9 Nathan USD20.00
Feb-7 Froelich131 USD10.00
Feb-7 Pun USD50.00
Feb-4 Raykay101 CAD0.43
Jan-30 Froelich131 USD10.00
Jan-20 CapRex USD0.01
Jan-19 Nathan USD50.00
Jan-6 Anonymous JPY5000.00
Year 2014 Donations:
Dec-29 Anonymous USD25.00
Dec-10 onigiri JPY3000.00
Nov-25 Nathan USD10.00
Nov-20 onigiri JPY3000.00
Nov-14 Williams USD4.00
Nov-12 shywolf91 USD5.00
Oct-31 onigiri USD30.00
Oct-20 Nathan USD10.00
Oct-19 Anonymous JPY3000.00
Oct-14 Hawkan USD25.00
Sep-25 Anonymous USD25.00
Sep-24 Nathan USD10.00
Sep-1 Anonymous USD25.00
Aug-22 Nathan USD10.00
Aug-18 Anonymous USD25.00
Jul-31 Anonymous USD25.00
Jul-23 Nathan USD10.00
Jul-22 onigiri USD25.00
Jul-8 Nathan USD120.00
Jun-29 crumpet GBP9.99
Jun-27 Torch USD2.99
Jun-25 Nathan USD10.00
Jun-2 nathan USD10.00
Apr-23 Nathan USD10.00
Apr-23 Lutein USD10.00
Mar-30 Hawkan USD15.00
Mar-28 Nathan USD10.00
Mar-16 topo AUD150.00
Mar-14 Nathan USD10.00
Mar-12 Hawkan USD25.00
Mar-5 Jyromefedx CAD25.00
Feb-28 Danke USD30.00
Feb-24 NotAgain USD25.00
Feb-22 Hawkan USD15.00
Feb-16 Anonymous USD10.00
Feb-16 AEM USD10.00
Feb-7 Anonymous GBP5.00
Feb-6 AEM USD5.00
Feb-6 Hawkan USD25.00
Feb-5 Nathan USD10.00
Feb-2 KomradeDoctor USD0.03
Jan-22 Nathan USD20.00
Jan-2 Anonymous USD25.00
Year 2013 Donations:
Dec-27 Anonymous USD30.00
Dec-20 Anonymous USD30.00
Dec-14 Anonymous USD30.00
Dec-8 Anonymous USD10.00
Nov-30 Reaper2.0 USD3.67
Nov-28 Anonymous USD30.00
Nov-18 Danke USD60.00
Nov-15 Jyromefedx CAD30.00
Oct-31 adrianhb10[unknown] USD100.00
Sep-7 shywolf91 USD5.00
Sep-6 Thufman USD7.50
Aug-16 This Guy USD35.00
Aug-1 Juxta GBP10.00
Jul-31 Anonymous USD40.00
Jul-30 Anonymous USD40.00
Jul-29 Anonymous USD40.00
Jul-29 Anonymous USD40.00
Jul-27 Anonymous USD40.00
Jun-15 This Guy USD5.00
May-25 Cocolf EUR0.01
Apr-1 walmarto USD25.00
Mar-16 shywolf91 USD5.00
Mar-12 Anonymous USD10.00
Mar-1 Anonymous USD14.50
Feb-20 Anonymous USD22.50
Feb-10 this guy USD50.00
Feb-10 Anonymous USD22.50
Feb-4 this guy USD15.00
Feb-4 this guy USD5.00
Jan-21 this guy USD5.00
Jan-11 Anonymous EUR15.00
Year 2012 Donations: