a client thing

well, this is a bit late, but better late than never… right? :slight_smile:

as some of you might know, the last 5-ish months, I’ve been secretly* working on a 0.75-compatible voxlap-based AoS client. as it turns out, it kind of helps to have proper foresight for that kind of project, and planning out what I needed to do was almost the direct opposite of what I did when I started it. oops. yeah, the codebase kinda quickly became a huge tangley mess of C+±ified spaghetti C code, which as you might imagine, is not very good for productivity in general, let alone long-term maintenance.

so, I’ve basically stopped working on it because of that. well, that, and the fact that it’s voxlap, so it’s not exactly cross-compatible (unless you use sonarpulse’s hack of a project, but let’s be real here…), or flexible enough for my personal needs… but fear not, for I have started development on Yet Another OpenGL Voxel Engine™, and this time I’ve done (hopefully…) proper planning :slight_smile:

* unless you know Rhodo, then it’s probably not so secret to you. lol

what proper planning means

if you put aside the programming side of things…

it means it WON’T look or feel like OpenSpades. it’ll be more like the AoS 1.0 alpha. you know, this awesome thing? ↓↓↓

looks awesome, right? yeah, I know. :slight_smile:
once again, not like OpenSpades.
OpenGL doesn’t have to mean lens flares, dust clouds, and water ripples.

an outdated video, but it still mostly represents what this client can do:

the point of this whole thread: client devs in AoS community are not dead. or, uh… there’s a new one? idk. stay tuned, I guess.

Edit: here’s a download link for the client. default server is the best server, tug of war. be warned, babel will probably auto kick you (and any server with bdpatch installed). I’m not entirely sure why, but I know for a fact that it’s a client-side issue, and the spaghetti codebase makes that kinda hard to fix. sorry.


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Voxel war 2?

looks good sofar muffin except that crappy minimap :wink:

fuck ortho cubes hello default cubes

How do u run opengl plz im nub

good job i can play tug of war 1v0 now
but seriously, i hope the clientside issues are gonna get fixxed soon because i really want to play babel on a non openspades client again - -

I use notepad++ to change the servers.

Did you give up yet?

wow, don’t be so optimistic
and nice font

great,its a literal meme.
We ain’t a lemonade stand,we are a gaming website.
ffs why did i say that?

it’s beautiful :’)

Edit: no, the client is not complete, this is just an engine test.

The problem is its much darker

looks fine to me?


Well I guess if you can get this working we could implement a Punkbuster like anti-cheat, so if anything it’s worth a try.

Aw man I can’t wait, I’m tired of Openspades.

ayy hype for openGL voxel engine :o it’ll look gorgeous <3 can’t wait to use it instead of openspades.

a small update video, not a whole lot but I guess it’s worth watching because everyone loves falling blocks. (sorry for the horrible compression artifacts btw)

there are some small issues here and there which you might notice, but overall it works pretty well.
also, the algorithm I’m using for detecting floating structures could use some work, so I’ll probably end up replacing that, but none of you should notice any difference once I get around to doing it.

next up are going to be particles, UI and networky stuff. particles in particular will probably take a while, from what I’ve seen it’s very easy to make a horrible particle system :confused:


Great work! I can’t wait to see it completed… :wink:

Wow, this will make me grief more.

lol the block falling animation is so cute! Aw this is gonna be great, can’t wait, muffintastic! I’ve always wanted an OpenGl AoS but that anyone can run :slight_smile: