{ "name" : "Build Server", "motd" : [ "Welcome to %(server_name)s!", "Map is %(map_name)s by %(map_author)s" ], "help" : [ "Welcome to %(server_name)s!", "/fly : To fly you must only jump and crouch consecutively.", "/ask : To ask the player if you can destroy their blocks.", "/allow : Allow a player to break your blocks.", "/remove : So that a player can no longer break your blocks.", "/claim : Choose a sector.", "/sector : To teleport to your sector.", "/admin : To report something to the administrator." ], "tips" : [ "Type /help to see the special commands!" ], "tip_frequency" : 1, "rules" : [ "The griefer will be permanently banned, there are no exceptions!" ], "master" : true, "max_players" : 32, "max_connections_per_ip" : 3, "port" : 32887, "network_interface" : "", "game_mode" : "ctf", "cap_limit" : 0, "default_time_limit" : 0, "advance_on_win" : false, "maps" : ["flatgray"], "random_rotation" : false, "respawn_time" : 1, "respawn_waves" : false, "friendly_fire" : false, "grief_friendly_fire_time" : 0, "spade_teamkills_on_grief" : false, "balanced_teams" : 1, "teamswitch_interval" : 0, "speedhack_detect" : false, "votekick_percentage" : 25, "votekick_ban_duration" : 15, "votekick_public_votes" : true, "votemap_public_votes" : true, "votemap_extension_time" : 15, "votemap_player_driven" : false, "votemap_autoschedule" : 180, "votemap_time" : 120, "votemap_percentage" : 80, "melee_damage" : 0, "fall_damage" : false, "user_blocks_only" : false, "set_god_build" : true, "server_prefix" : "[BUILD]", "time_announcements" : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3000], "login_retries" : 3, "default_ban_duration" : 1440, "logfile" : "./logs/log.txt", "rotate_daily" : false, "debug_log" : false, "profile" : false, "team1" : { "name" : "blue", "color" : [0, 0, 255] }, "team2" : { "name" : "green", "color" : [0, 255, 0] }, "passwords" : { "admin" : ["adminpass"], "moderator" : ["modpass"], "guard" : ["guardpass"], "trusted" : ["trustedpass"] }, "rights" : { "moderator" : ["advance", "cancel", "dban", "fog", "from", "goto", "hackinfo", "hban", "invisible", "ip", "kick", "kickafk", "kill", "map", "master", "move", "mute", "resetgame", "switch", "teleport", "teleport_other", "tpsilent", "togglebuild", "togglekill", "togglevotekick", "trust", "undoban", "unmute", "unstick", "fly", "where", "whowas"], "guard" : ["cancel", "fog", "from", "goto", "hackinfo", "hban", "ip", "kick", "kickafk", "kill", "move", "mute", "switch", "teleport", "teleport_other", "togglebuild", "togglekill", "togglevotekick", "trust", "unmute", "unstick", "where", "whowas"] }, "ssh" : { "enabled" : false, "port" : 32887, "users" : { "user" : "pass" } }, "status_server" : { "enabled" : false, "port" : 32886 }, "ban_publish" : { "enabled" : false, "port" : 32885 }, "ban_subscribe" : { "enabled" : true, "urls" : [ ["http://www.blacklist.spadille.net/subscribe.json", []] ] }, "irc" : { "enabled" : false, "nickname" : "pyspades", "username" : "pyspades", "realname" : "pyspades server bot", "server" : "irc.quakenet.org", "port" : 6667, "channel" : "#myserver", "password" : "", "commandprefix" : "!", "chatprefix" : "." }, "scripts" : [ "welcome", "votekick", "fbpatch", "db", "build", "preservecolor", "rapid", "paint", "df", "dw", "box", "floor", "wall", "sculpt", "afk", "gradient" ], "squad_respawn_time" : 0, "squad_size" : 4, "auto_squad" : false, "load_saved_map" : false, "statistics" : { "host" : "localhost", "server_name" : "stats server", "port" : 32880, "password" : "marmelade" }, "welcomes" : { "mat^2" : "The very likeable mat^2 has entered!" } }