Refreshing CsMaps

Hmu if you need someone to test with.

Honestly, mines on Cs1337 would be amazing <3

btw is it a trend now that people have kittens/bunnies as their profile pics? (I don’t mind seeing a bunch of cute bunnies and kittens anyway)

Two people with vaguely relateable profile pictures does not constitute a trend.

Wow Danke! Those are two very good looking maps, can’t wait to see them in action :smiley:

Edit: Everyone please try to forward this thread to anyone in-game and also guide them through irc if they are unable to find this


de_nuke is ‘finished’ and on rotation instead of 1337 assault.
Probably for a while we’ll be finding glitch spots and bugs and fixing them. Please let me know if you see anything that needs fixing.

I can find the glitch spots for you

Or maybe 3. :^)

No, there are only two.

yes QuickBrownFox and Asame :stuck_out_tongue:

This is a relatable profile picture that bring out the best in QuickBrownFox and Torch. xD


is that zootopia?

jeez, no no no!
nothing should be removed here
only add

False, QuickBrownFox’s profile picture is a study in how you can make something uglier by animating it.

Relatable to a nincompoop perhaps. To those of higher learning such as Doctor Dank and yours truly, we can see through such simple logical fallacies.

Aw. :frowning:

Welp, that was a bit too harsh. O.o

Nice idea guys, cs maps need a change of some maps in the rotation.
Is anyone planning to test out that new defusal gamemode? Because of what has been said, cs maps aren’t best maps for the arena gamemode and that defusal would probably be a better gamemode for de_dust2 and few other maps.

Also the new map de_nuke seems to me like a combination between cs_militia and one crowded arena map i played long ago, new map is always something interesting to test out. It could eventually be bad but it could also turn out to be a good map for arena.

I’ll definitely try out this map.
Btw. there is at least one glitch spot in india arena map that hasn’t been fixed yet…

Update: I played de_nuke map for both teams and i must say the gameplay was different for each team, the green side seems pretty well-arranged but the blue side of the map is quite confusing, there are many different routes and different entrances to the factory, some of the entrances led us to different place than expected (I guess that this would get less confusing if we would get play the map more often) and when we played 4v4, we sometimes couldn’t find ourselves when there was last player remaining on one team.
It seemed to me like the map is designed for many more players, like 20-25 instead of 8.

Why wasn’t csassault removed as well? Both versions of that map are rancid cat shit. At least 1337assault didn’t take the max time to complete every round. What’s fun about forcing an entire team to camp in a building with only 3 exits/entrances? It was a fucking stupid map a year ago and its even worse now because its still being used. Take it off the goddamn server.
