Modified OpenSpades0.12b client with minimap bullets

Besides his minimap esp? Honestly, I don’t know why he even bothers with installing tracer hacks when he already has both teams displayed on the minimap!

As requested by a curious individual, the procedure I used to get the source code compiling:

[ol]- Download and extract the source code file (Use this one -

  • Get the newest version of CMake at (Download | CMake), the particular one I got was cmake-3.5.2-win32-x86.msi.

  • Instead of dealing with manually inserting everything that needs to go in /Sources/Externals, the following is actually provided, hidden deep away in a readme: OpenSpades-Externals-Windows-VS2015.rar. Download/extract it, and place the contents in /Sources/Externals.

  • Run Cmake, and put “i/openspades-0.0.12[/i]” in the “Where is the source code” field, and put “i/openspades-0.0.12/OpenSpades.msvc[/i]” in the “Where to build the binaries” field.

  • Press “Generate”, and where it asks to specify the generator, I used “Visual Studio 10 2010” (If this doesn’t show up, do step 6 first and try again). Press “Finish”.

  • Install Visual Studio 2015 (Community version is free: Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition – Download Latest Free Version).

  • You now should be able to go into “i/openspades-0.0.12/OpenSpades.msvc/[/i]” and open the file OpenSpades.sln with Visual Studio 2015. If it says “Upgrade VC++ Compilers and Libraries” when you open it just press Ok.

  • Now you’ve got OpenSpades nicely in the form of a Visual Studio project, but there are still several problems that probably need to be addressed.

  • To begin, try building the solution. What happened to me was a single error message at the very end: “LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp____iob_func …”. Fixed by inserting the following into gui/main.cpp: “extern “C” { FILE __iob_func[3] = { *stdin,*stdout,*stderr }; }

  • It should build now. But there is one final modification I suggest you make, as some coder made a bit of a goof. Go into “ScriptBindings/Clipboard.cpp”, and change line 38 to “SDL_free(txt);” or else you’ll find OpenSpades crashing whenever you try to use Ctrl-V.

  • Build it again - the final executable will be in “i/openspades-0.0.12/OpenSpades.msvc/bin[/i]” and then whatever configuration you are using. I used the MinSizeRel configuration, but I cannot say if using Release is better.

  • Now you should be able to use your compiled OpenSpades.exe in the place of the normal one in 0.12b!!![/ol]

spectator mode

Great job.
People like you would make OS great again.

Don’t talk like trump :stuck_out_tongue:

btw didn’t OS already have something similar to the bullets on minimap thing? Iirc it gave the approx direction of the shot

I do appreciate this, Doctor Dank, thank you for assisting everyone. You seem to be quite the aspiring coder, but just to make a suggestion for that chat limiter…

Find the module where the chat is contained, whether that be a class or not. Then find the module that parses the player input into a string which is sent to the server. Then make a quick int variable with the number of characters allowed in a message in voxlap, which I believe is 79 characters. I believe you could easily edit the loop where the chat compiler is located in and place a safety that prevents the string from exceeding 79 characters, probably in the form of an if or else if statement, that places the forming message into a loop that only exits when backspace or enter is pressed (don’t forget that you have to let the code know you pressed enter or else it will only exit that first loop, and you’ll have to press enter twice, so make sure to use another safety as well).

Or if something like a limiter exists already, just edit that.