Leaderboards and statistics!

changing the “AoS stats” option in your forum account settings now actually works. just go to Profile → Modify Profile → Account Settings and toggle the option if you don’t want your stats tracked

Please can you add the ability to log off for regular account so that when we do /logout our stats would not be recorded anymore :v

issue is : as a trusted player, when i do /logout, i just loose the trusted protection but my stats are still being recorded

that would be convenient. for now, why not disable stats via your profile setting?

i think i remember BR saying that it was intentional that you not be able to logout and have stats stop tracking - it would be too easy to cheese massive ratios by quickly logging out every time you put yourself in a bad position.

this might not apply to you (or anyone) but in case there’s someone who has the same problem i had:
my advice to just play and do your best not to worry about your stats. i spent a while thinking too much about them and got frustrated every time i didn’t hit a 15 ratio… it’s just not realistic to expect to beat your average every time you play, especially if you aren’t new. if you get frustrated with stats you don’t consider up to your standard, try disabling them for a while and rediscover playing for the game instead of the numbers :slight_smile:

you barely saved my life

lol seriously yeah I got the same problem :frowning: will think about it thanks topo