Aloha Server Slector v4

Hi its me Scipio bringing you an updated Aloha Selector
additions  new servers
call of duty
storm wind
and destiny babel

If anyone gets an upgrade to pro let me know  [i believe i fixed the issue but you never know]

theres both a bat and a .exe

the .exe  has a built in injector for pubovl  [you do require the pubovl dll]
select the dll first before entering in [censored against hackers  if you need the process name pm me]  sorry its an anti hacker measure
Disclamer:  This Injector May not be used for anything other than pubovl or an approved dll
[e.g topoovl]
any abuse i will take this down and password protect it

Again Credits go to all that deserve them
plus their listed in the start screen :slight_smile:

Aloha Selector v4d.exe (342 KB)

AlohaSelector v4e2.bat (4.65 KB)