Please un-ban me?

I have been banned from the servers on Ace of Spades and i would like to get back on them. It’s been way more than 30 minutes, more like 4 months. My IGN is Energizer Bunny, but when I was banned my name was Th3Whit3Panth3r. I don’t remember which server I was playing on. My little brother was playing at the time and he downloaded an aimbot and used it and got me votekicked twice. Now I can’t get on any of the servers. I personally haven’t played with an aimbot and I delete the file if I see one in our AoS file. I was banned a long time ago and I have coped with playing on other servers. Now that are rising in the most played I want in, especially arena maps. Please unban me.

So, you’re telling me that your little “brother” downloaded an aimbot and used it and got you votekicked twice. Seriously, you couldn’t come up with a better excuse? Also, was this only one time that “he” used the aimbot?

It was really my brother and yes he has used it multiple times, and I caught him once and told him to stop but I was already banned from your servers

Not only did you/your brother aimbot. You/your brother evaded the ban. Also, when was the last time you were on aloha servers. Do not lie to that question because we have logs.

I have no idea when I was last on an aloha server, but I do know I haven’t been able to get on in a long while. Is there a way to check that? A personal log maybe?

I have this from the logs: [20:17:23] <pp_aloha> * energizer bunny (IP,xx, ID 17) entered the game!
From today.

That is a different guy I met in a LameGaming server the other day. my name is Energizer Bunny with capitals. He had his with no capitals

Hate to interrupt but the other day I was viewing the pinpoint status page,and noticed 2 players with almost the exact name. one was Energizer Bunny and the other was Energizer Rabbit,perhaps this “Energizer Rabbit” person could have been the one who logged in earlier that AWhiteGuy noticed. but seeing as his “brother” downloaded an aimbot this didn’t really matter,but I thought you guys should know.

OK. How about this. I used to aimbot. I thought it was so cool how the guys on the other team just dropped at the press of a button. Now looking back at that I see that it was totally wrong, even though it helped me get better. I know where to aim at the guy to get a one shot kill, or where they will come from most often so I don’t need an aimbot. I did aimbot on an aloha server, I did change my name so people wouldn’t recognize me as the aimbot they votekicked that one time, and I would very much like to get back on the servers. Addressing the Energizer Rabbit. He is my brother on my mom’s laptop. Please un-ban me?

        this happened to me but my brother griefed

Except, he basically said later that he was lying.

All that i said previously was true. my brother did aimbot, and so did I, but that aimbotting made me a better player so much that I don’t need it now.

Jesus so much lying in this thread I can’t tell whats what. Aimbotting doesn’t make you a better player/better skill. It actually weakens it, so you lied on that. I highly doubt “YOUR” Brother did it with no proof, and your lying up a wall that you can’t get over. I call bluff.

Well if u read the other hundred appeals you’ll notice how the ones that just come out and apologize usually are unbanned. But the liars are usually turned down unless they truely were not cheating. In your case you used ye ol’ “my brother did this on my account” gag which i would think annoys the administrators and it shows that you are not truely sorry that you aimbotted. AND about your brother aimbotting you said his name was Energizer rabbit right i’ll be on the lookout for his aimbot. (i am not an admin or guard but i still like to gather evidence just in case i need to provide it to help decide an appeal.) ;D

It’s great that you have so much interest in this thread but I think the aimbot i used improved my skill. Have you ever played with aimbot or a radar hack? If you play with it for a while then you know where people are going to come from, and then you don’t need the hack, just skill and a little luck. If the admins don’t think I should be un-banned then I’m going to miss playing on their servers, but for now, I still have a chance.

I’ve had an encounter with you on the TOW server where I got you to admit in the chat to aimbotting yet your ratio was only 0.81 which clearly showed you were not. I could have easily perma’ed your right there for admitting to it but I decided to be a nice guy and let you go. This along with you trying to lie your way out of this by saying your little brother did it isn’t helping your case much for me. That being said, I wasn’t the one who banned you but I’m highly suggesting whoever banned you to keep it as that and not unban you.

This is going to get confusing. There are two other people that have close to my name. There is an Energizerabbit or there is energizer bunny with no caps, and then there’s me Energizer Bunny with caps. Please make sure you have the right information before placing the blame on the wrong person. I AM saying you are lying because I play on LameGaming and Skill Adept only.

a) you’re making a ban appeal for aloha right? That would mean you played on aloha servers at least once.
b) you’ve stated your name in your appeal. I do think I can read correctly and haven’t misread your name
c) if you only play on the servers you’ve presented, why bother appealing for aloha?

All of these points contradict what you have just said to me so I think it’s logical to assume that you are lying to me either in the form of your appeal or in that post. These are perfectly legitimate facts and I’m not making any thing up. I don’t see how I’m the one who should be called a liar.

a) you’re making a ban appeal for aloha right? That would mean you played on aloha servers at least once.
b) you’ve stated your name in your appeal. I do think I can read correctly and haven’t misread your name
c) if you only play on the servers you’ve presented, why bother appealing for aloha?

All of these points contradict what you have just said to me so I think it’s logical to assume that you are lying to me either in the form of your appeal or in that post. These are perfectly legitimate facts and I’m not making any thing up. I don’t see how I’m the one who should be called a liar.
I only play on those four servers because I currently can’t play on aloha servers. The reason I’m an requesting to be un-banned is to play on the aloha servers.

Well I know what you are talking about, but this is what I am hearing.

  1. You are purposely blaming your brother and thats a very bad excuse.
  2. You are lying even after told to tell the truth.
  3. What do you mean, “Ok, how abou this” I don’ t think you can just change your appeal and You should follow the format, OK?

PS. I know I know, “But its my brother!!:(” This is just what I am getting from this appeal. (Blame a sister next time :P)